SWWD Watershed Management Plan Update

By state law, South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) is required to prepare a Watershed Management Plan every ten years. The new plan will cover the years 2026­­–2035 and establish the goals and programs that will guide our work over this time. While the plan due date is more than a year away, we’re excited to […]

SWWD Awarded Project of the Year for Trout Brook

SWWD’s Trout Brook Project was awarded Project of the Year at the 2023 Minnesota Watersheds Annual Conference. Trout Brook is a cold water stream in Denmark Township, Washington County tributary to Lake St. Croix. The stream is fed by a 5500 acre watershed made up primarily of forest and agricultural lands. In the 1800s and […]

Sarah Lilja Selected as SWWD Artist-in-Residence

The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) is excited to announce the selection of Sarah Lilja as its 2023-24 Artist-in Residence. As a unanimous selection from a robust applicant pool of area photographers due to her distinctive compositions, vibrant colors and attention to unseen details, SWWD is confident that Sarah will make an excellent artistic partner […]

Afton Alps Trout Brook Stream Restoration-EAW

SWWD and its partners have begun restoration of Trout Brook. The centerpiece of the restoration will be a re-meandered channel and floodplain creation within the Afton Alps property. The channel will rerouted from its current, straightened alignment back to its historical location.  Construction of Phase I and II has been completed. Full project details click […]

SWWD Wins the 2021 MCAP Award for Climate Adaptation

The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) received the 2021 Organization Award from the Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnerships on January 20, 2021. The SWWD provides local leadership for climate adaptation and resiliency. The SWWD is the only watershed district to create a Climate Resiliency Plan and is providing direct assistance to small cities that lack the […]

Wilmes Lake Stormwater Basin in Seasons Park

Wilmes Lake Stormwater Basin in Seasons Park, construction in 2021 The South Washington Watershed District has been working in partnership with the City of Woodbury staff on understanding the quality of our lakes, the contributors of excess nutrients and creating a plan to remove those nutrients before they get to the lakes. A major nutrient […]

SWWD Watershed Management Plan Amendment

SWWD’s current Watershed Management Plan (WMP) was adopted in November 2016. Since that time, SWWD has worked to develop several additional guidance documents to guide future work by SWWD and its partners. SWWD has prepared a minor plan amendment to incorporate those new and updated guidance documents into the WMP as well as to update […]