SWWD Watershed Management Plan Amendment

SWWD’s current Watershed Management Plan (WMP) was adopted in November 2016. Since that time, SWWD has worked to develop several additional guidance documents to guide future work by SWWD and its partners. SWWD has prepared a minor plan amendment to incorporate those new and updated guidance documents into the WMP as well as to update other information.

New and updated guidance documents were developed with input from District residents and/or City staff as appropriate. All proposed changes were presented to the District’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) in September 2018. All feedback from the CAC was positive. The SWWD Board of Managers passed resolution #2019-001 at its January meeting to submit the revised WMP as a minor plan amendment to identified review agencies for 30 day review. All comments should be submitted to John Loomis at [email protected] and copied to Dan Fabian at [email protected].

Below are links to a summary of changes, as well as a full strike-through/underline review draft.



