SWWD Watershed Management Plan Update

By state law, South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) is required to prepare a Watershed Management Plan every ten years. The new plan will cover the years 2026­­–2035 and establish the goals and programs that will guide our work over this time.

While the plan due date is more than a year away, we’re excited to be getting started on the work now. Consistent with our mission, we’re hoping to gain insights from our residents on natural resource issues that are important to you.  Use this link  to answer 10 quick questions about the lakes, rivers, and wetlands near you.

For more information on the Watershed Management Plan Update: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/5d87378939cf4bd38776a4aa2bc107e0

Any questions on the Plan Update, please contact John Loomis, SWWD Deputy Administrator [email protected] or 651-714-3714