Wilmes Lake Stormwater Basin in Seasons Park

Wilmes Lake Stormwater Basin in Seasons Park, construction in 2021

The South Washington Watershed District has been working in partnership with the City of Woodbury staff on understanding the quality of our lakes, the contributors of excess nutrients and creating a plan to remove those nutrients before they get to the lakes. A major nutrient that impacts lakes in our area is phosphorus, which leads to algae growth and decreased water quality.

An area of opportunity identified through this partnership is along the Seasons Park trail and creek corridor (south east of the intersection at Radio Drive and Seasons Parkway). In 2021, the Watershed District will construct a stormwater filter basin with native plantings around it which will help remove phosphorus from the water before it travels downstream to Wilmes Lake. Wilmes Lake is upstream of Colby Lake, Bailey Lake and countless wetlands which will also benefit from decreased nutrients traveling downstream.https://barrgisonline.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=3b56d7dbc1794a31ad44f41757cb4b2b

Any questions regarding the project, contact John Loomis: [email protected]